LIC policies for protected and shielded life.
LIC is one of the premium health insurance companies that offer LIC’s Jeevan Arogya and LIC’s Cancer Cover and do you know what is the difference between these two? Talking about the LIC’s Jeevan Arogya then it gives protection from certain health risks. The Jeevan Arogya insurance policy gives the lump sum benefit to the insured irrespective of what medical expenses occurred. On the other hand, in Cancer Cover, the insured gets financial protection from cancer which can be diagnosed at an early or later stage. The insured can avail of the benefits only if he is diagnosed with cancer otherwise no financial assistance is provided. Lic health policy is one of the best and the person should have one because in today’s time the medical expenses are huge and people fail to incur that at the time of need. Health policies are for the times of emergency. They work as a blessing for the person. With covid 19, people have become more aware of uncertainties in life and are now understa...